Documentation Index

The following documents are included in the Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) 2.0 and C# 2.0 distribution.

At the root of the distribution is the readfirst.html document.  This contains important and late-breaking information on the SSCLI 2.0 distribution.

docs Directory

index.html This document.
map.html Roadmap to the SSCLI architecture.
glossary.html Glossary of terms used in the SSCLI documentation and source code.
relnotes.html Release notes with additional information on this release of SSCLI.
testing_overview.html Overview of the testing infrastructure in SSCLI

buildtools Directory

buildtools_index.html Index for documents in the buildtools directory.  Go here for a more detailed description of each file.
binplace.html Build output manager.
buildall.html Buildall build script.
building_sscli.html How to build the SSCLI source tree.
buildutility.html The SSCLI build utility.
env.html Setting up the SSCLI build environment.
internalresgen.html A bootstrap resource compiler.
nmake.html Make tool.
resourcecompiler.html Platform-independent resource compiler used for SSCLI.

compilers Directory

compilers_index.html Index for documents in the compilers directory.
csharp.html Options and changes for the SSCLI implementation of the C# compiler.
jsc.html Options and changes for SSCLI implementation of the JScript compiler.

debugging Directory

debugging_index.html Index for documents in the debugging directory.
debugging_overview.html Overview of debugging in the SSCLI.
sos.html Describes the functionality of the SOS debugger extension.

ecma Directory

ecma_index.html Contains information about the ECMA-334 and ECMA-335 documentation.

techinfo Directory

techinfo_index.html Index to the techinfo documentation directory.
encodings.html Encodings used in the SSCLI.
logging.html How to activate logging in the SSCLI.
native_managed_interop.html Native to managed interoperability in the SSCLI implementation.
pal_guide.html Platform Adaptation Layer (PAL) specification.
resfilefmt.html Managed CLI resource file format.
stackframe.html Stack frame format used in the SSCLI.

tools Directory

tools_index.html Index for documents in the tools directory.
al.html Assembly Linker tool.
caspol.html Code Access Security Policy tool.
clix.html Rotor managed application launcher tool.
cordbg.html Runtime managed code debugger.
gacutil.html Global Assembly Cache management tool.
genpalunitable.html Unicode table-building tool.
ilasm.html CIL Assembler.
ildasm.html CIL Disassembler.
ildbconv.html Symbolic debug information converting tool.
ildbdump.html Allows dumping of symbolic debug information stored in .ildb files.
metainfo.html Metadata dump tool.
permview.html Permissions View tool
peverify.html Type safety verification PEVerify tool.
resgen.html Resource File Generator.
sn.html Strong Name tool.
storeadm.html Isolated Storage tool.

samples Directory

samples_index.html Index for documents in the samples directory.

compilers Directory

\clisp\clisp.html Lisp compiler sample.
\myc\myc.html Simple C compiler sample.

hello and helloxml Directories

\hello\hello.html Simple hello world sample.
\helloxml\helloxml.html Simple hello world sample that writes XML.

howto Directory

\basedatatypes\stringformat\stringformat.html String formatting sample.
\codedom\listbuilder.html Codedom code generation sample.
\net\getresponse\getresponse.html System.Net sample using the WebRequest class.
\net\udpchat\udpchat.html UdpClient net sample.
\reflection\emit\reflectionemit.html Reflection sample using emit to generate an assembly.
\reflection\invoke\reflectioninvoke.html Reflection sample showing invoke functionality.
\regularexpressions\regularexpressions.html Regular expression (RegEx class) sample.
\remoting\remoting.html Remoting sample with client and server.
\resources\managedresources.html Managed resource sample.
\security\permissions\permissions.html Code access security sample.
\serialization\iserializable\iserializable.html Serialization sample showing the ISerializable interface.
\serialization\simpleserialize\simpleserialize.html Simple serialization sample.
\xml\xmlschema\xmlschema.html XML schema object model sample.
\xml\xmltransform\xmltransform.html XML transformation sample.
\xmlserialization\xmlserialization.html XML serialization sample.

pigui Directory

\hello\hello.html Simple hello world sample using Tk.
\pigpad\pigpad.html More advanced Tk sample.
\tk\tk_wrapper.html Simple Tk wrapper classes.

utilities Directory

\cleanbuild\cleanbuild.html SSCLI build cleanup utility.
\codetohtml\codetohtml.html JScript tool to format code to HTML.
\corclass\corclass.html Assembly and class searching utility.
\crlf\crlf.html Line termination analysis utility.
\dnprofiler\dnprofiler.html Profiler example.
\getcliversion\getcliversion.html Runtime version value utility.
\grep\grep.html Grep utility.
\keyconfig\keyconfig.html SSCLI assembly key configuration tool.
\typefinder\typefinder.html Type searching utility.
\wordcount\wordcount.html Wordcount sample utility.
\xsd\xsd.html XSD schema conversion tool.

Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.