Symbolic Debug Data Dumping Tool (ildbdump.exe/ildbdump)

The Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) supports source-level debugging using the cordbg managed code debugger (see cordbg.html).  Symbolic information is stored by the SSCLI implementation of the compilers in .ildb database files.  This file format is different than the .pdb file format supported by the compilers (Visual C#, JScript, Visual C++ .NET, Visual Basic .NET, and so on) in the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. 

The .ildb format was created for the SSCLI in order to have a small, platform-independent symbolic format for debugging managed code.

The application file for the symbolic debug data dumping tool is named ildbdump.exe in the Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) on Microsoft® Windows®. It is named ildbdump in the SSCLI on UNIX system-based platforms.

The .ildb dump tool (ildbdump) allows dumping of symbolic debug information stored in .ildb files.  The source for this tool can be found at sscli\tools\ildbconv\ildbconv.cpp.


ildbconv [options] filename

Options can be specified using either a dash (-) or a slash (/).

Option Description
/full Dumps full debug information.  This will include header information as well as data for all the individual methods.
/header Dumps just the header information but not the individual methods.
/assembly:assemblyfilename Extracts information from the metadata in assemblyfilename.
/? Displays the command syntax and options for the tool.

When using this tool on UNIX system-based platforms /? might expand to a filename. Instead use -?, or enclose the /? option in quotes: "/?"

See Also

Tools Index

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