Genpalunitable Tool

The Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) 2.0 implements Unicode support in the platform adaptation layer (PAL) by the means of a table of values in the unicode_data.c file.

The genpalunitable tool is the means of generating this file.  The source for this tool can be found at sscli20\tools\genpalunitable.  It must be run under an SSCLI build on Microsoft Windows® because it uses Windows APIs to create the Unicode table data. 

The genpalunitable tool calls the Microsoft Win32® API GetStringTypeExW() for all 65536 Unicode characters, and records information about its return value in this table. The PAL then uses this static table to implement GetStringTypeExW() and other APIs that examine characteristics of Unicode characters.

To build this tool, switch to the sscli20\tools\genpalunitable directory and run the build command.  The executable file will be created in the rotor_x86 subdirectory.  Run the tool and it will emit the unicode_data.c file in the same directory as the tool executable file. 

There is no build requirement to run this tool as the unicode_data.c is included in the SSCLI source tree, but the tool is provided for informational purposes.


See Also

Tools Index

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