Common Intermediate Language Disassembler (ildasm.exe)

The Common Intermediate Language (CIL) Disassembler is a companion tool to the CIL Assembler. The CIL Disassembler takes a portable executable (PE) file that contains CIL code and creates a text file suitable as input to Ilasm.

The Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) version of The CIL Disassembler does not have a GUI and outputs only to the console or a file.

The application file for the CIL disassembler is named ildasm.exe in the Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) on Microsoft® Windows®. 

Because the SSCLI implementation of CIL Disassembler is console-only, the following features in the .NET Framework Microsoft Intermediate Language Disassembler implementation are not supported in the SSCLI:


ildasm [options] [PEfilename] [options]

The following options are available for working with .exe and .dll files that contain CIL.

Options can be specified using either a dash (-) or a slash (/).

Option Description
/all Specifies a combination of the /header, /bytes, and /tokens options.
/bytes Shows actual bytes, in hexadecimal format, as instruction comments.
/classlist Includes a list of classes defined in the module.
/header Includes file header information in the output.
/item:class[.method [(sig)]] Disassembles the following depending on the argument supplied:
  • Disassembles the specified class.
  • Disassembles the specified method of the class.
  • Disassembles the method of the class with the specified signature sig. Specify the signature with a return type and as many parameters as required. For example, returntype (param1, param2,..paramn).
/linenum Includes references to original source lines.
/metadata[=specifier] Shows metadata.  This is commonly used with the /noil option to view a text dump of the assembly metadata.

Specifier can be:

mdheader Shows metadata header information and sizes.
hex Shows more things in hexadecimal as well as words.
csv Shows the header sizes in Comma Separated format.
unrex Shows unresolved externals.
schema Shows the metadata schema information.
raw Shows the raw metadata tables.
heaps Shows the raw heaps.
validate Validate the consistency of the metadata.
/noil Suppresses CIL assembly code output.
/output:filename Creates an output file with the specified filename
/pretty Pretty-prints CIL as pseudo-C code in comments
/pubonly Disassembles only public types and members. Equivalent to /visibility:PUB.
/quoteallnames Includes all names in single quotes.
/raweh Shows exception handling clauses in raw form.
/stats Includes statistics on the image.
/source Shows original source lines as comments.
/tokens Shows metadata tokens of classes and members.
/unicode Uses Unicode encoding for the output.
/utf8 Uses UTF-8 encoding for the output. ANSI is the default.
/visibility:vis [+vis ...] Disassembles only types or members with the specified visibility.

The following are valid values for vis.

PUB Public
PRI Private
FAM Family
ASM Assembly
FAA Family and Assembly
FOA Family or Assembly
PSC Private Scope
/? Displays the command syntax and options for the tool.

Note   All options for the CIL Disassembler are case-insensitive and recognized by the first three letters. For example, /quo is equivalent to /quoteallnames. Options that specify arguments accept either a colon (:) or an equal sign (=) as the separator between the option and the argument. For example, /output:filename is equivalent to /output=filename.


The text file produced by the CIL Disassembler can be used as input to the CIL Assembler. This is useful, for example, when compiling code in a programming language that does not support all the runtime metadata attributes. After compiling the code and running its output through Ildasm.exe, the resulting CIL text file can be hand-edited to add the missing attributes. You can then run this text file through the CIL Assembler to produce a final executable file.

Note: Currently, you cannot use this technique with PE files that contain embedded native code (for example, PE files produced by Microsoft® Visual C++® .NET).

If you provide Ildasm.exe with a PEfilename argument that contains embedded resources, the tool produces multiple output files: a text file that contains CIL code and, for each embedded managed resource, a .resources file produced using the resource's name from metadata.

In the SSCLI implementation, if an unmanaged resource is embedded in PEfilename, a .res file is produced using the filename specified for CIL output by the /output option.

Note: The CIL Disassembler shows only metadata descriptions for .obj and .lib input files. CIL code for these file types is not disassembled.

You can run Ildasm.exe over an.exe or .dll file to determine whether the file is managed. If the file is not managed, the tool displays a message stating that the file has no valid common language runtime header and cannot be disassembled. If the file is managed, the tool runs successfully.


The following command causes the metadata and disassembled code for the PE file MyHello.exe to display in he CIL Disassembler default GUI.

ildasm myHello.exe

The following command disassembles the file MyFile.exe and stores the resulting CIL Assembler text in the file

ildasm MyFile.exe /

The following command disassembles the file MyFile.exe and displays the resulting CIL Assembler text to the console window.

ildasm MyFile.exe /text

If the file MyApp.exe contains embedded managed and unmanaged resources, the following command produces four files:, MyApp.res, Icons.resources, and Message.resources.

ildasm MyApp.exe /

The following command disassembles the method MyMethod within the class MyClass in MyFile.exe and displays the output to the console window.

ildasm /item:MyClass::MyMethod MyFile.exe /text

In the previous example, there could be several MyMethod methods with different signatures. The following command disassembles the method MyMethod with the return type of void and the parameters int32 and System.String.

ildasm /item:"MyClass::MyMethod(void(int32,class System.String))" MyFile.exe /text

See Also

Tools Index | CIL Assembler (ilasm.exe)

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