Build Output Manager (binplace.exe)

The Build Output Manager is a tool used during the Shared Source CLI 2.0 (SSCLI) build process in conjunction with build.exe and nmake.exe to manage the temporary locations of built output files within the source tree and the final location of the build output.  Each file produced by the build is stored in a directory (there is a global default and any sources file can override it), and then each file is "binplaced" (copied) to the final build output directory.  For the SSCLI, the root of this directory is specified by the %_NTTREE% environment variable. 

The location that Build Output Manager copies the file in the final build output tree is determined from a dictionary keyed on the base name of the file being binplaced.  The location of the dictionary file is specified using the %BINPLACE_PLACEFILE% environment variable.

On Windows, BINPLACE_PLACEFILE is set to sscli20\env\bin\placefil.txt.

In placefil.txt the target location "retail" indicates that the tool will copy the file in the root of the %_NTTREE% directory.  Other destinations are specified as paths relative to the root of the %_NTTREE% directory.


binplace [options] filename
Argument Description
filename The name of a file or files to be copied.


Options must be specified with a dash (-).

Option Description
-? Displays usage message.
-b subdir Puts file in subdirectory of default location.
-d Overrides dump location.
-e Disregards item if a file in list could not be binplaced.
-k Keeps attributes (don't turn off archive file attribute).
-o place-root-subdir Specifies alternate project subdirectory in place-root-subdir.
-p place-file Specifies location of the placefil.txt dictionary file. This overrides the value set in the BINPLACE_PLACEFILE environment variable.
-q Suppresses writing to log file %BINPLACE_LOG%.
-r place-root Specifies the root of the target directory where the tool will copy files.
-t Specifies test mode.
-s Split symbols from image files.
-v Specifies verbose output
-y Prevents creation of class subdirectories in the symbols tree. Used with -s.
-ci  | rc | app | arg0 |-argv1..-argn Specifies additional options:
  • rc = Application error return code.
  • app = Application used to check images.
  • -arg0..-argn = Arguments to pass to application.

The Build Output Manager tool uses the following environment variables.

Environment variable Description
BINPLACE_OVERRIDE_FLAGS Might contain additional switches.
BINPLACE_PLACEFILE Default value for -p flag.


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