Shared Source CLI 2.0 Build Environment Variable Scripts

(env.bat, env.csh,



The Shared Source CLI 2.0 (SSCLI) build process requires specific environment variables to be set in order to function.  Several files have been included in the SSCLI source tree to help correctly set these environment variables in a console window.

You should always run these files from the root of the SSCLI source tree because they will set paths relative to the directory location from which they are run.


On Microsoft® Windows:

env [option]


Option (build type) Description
debug Turns optimizations off, enables debug code, generates debugging symbols.
checked Turns optimizations on, enables debug code, generates debugging symbols.
free Turns optimizations on, disables debug code, generates debugging symbols.

SSCLI Environment Variables on Windows

On Windows the SSCLI build process depends on several external applications already having been installed:

To set up your SSCLI build environment on Windows, switch to the root directory of the SSCLI directory tree and run the env.bat file with the option you want. Several external batch files are called from env.bat.

Table of Environment Variables on Windows

Environment variable Value Description
BROWSER_INFO 1 Not usually modified.
BUILD_ALT_DIR Depends on build type:
  • c in checked
  • d in debug
  • set to nothing in free
Not usually modified.  Used by the build utility.
BUILD_DEFAULT -mwe -a -M -wx Default flags used by the build utility.  Build flags are documented in buildutility.html

The flags following -nmake are passed through to the nmake.exe make tool.

BUILD_DEFAULT_TARGETS  -dynamic %TARGET_DIRECTORY% Not usually modified. Used by the build utility to find make tool and other defaults.
COFFBASE_TXT_FILE %ROTOR_DIR%\env\*\coffbase.txt Sets .dll file base addresses for building Windows dynamic libraries (DLLs).  Not usually modified.
COPYCMD /Y Not usually modified. Allows copying without confirmation.
CRT_INC_PATH %ROTOR_DIR%\palrt\inc Not usually modified. Path to required C runtime include files
CRT_LIB_PATH %VCINSTALLDIR%\VC\lib files Path to Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 .lib files
C_DEFINES Can vary with build type.

#define values passed to the compiler during the build.

These are set in rotorenv.bat.

_BUILDTYPE Depends on build type.
  • checked in checked
  • fastchecked in fastchecked
  • free in free
Set by input to env.bat. Used by other environment variables to build path to binary build output.


DEBUG_CRTS 1 Not usually modified. Set by rotorenv.bat.

Set in both checked and fastchecked builds.

DevEnvDir %VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE Path to Visual Studio 2005 development environment
FEATURE_PAL 1 Not usually modified.
FrameworkDir %FrameworkDir% Not usually modified. Set in vsvarsall.bat
FrameworkSDKDir %FrameworkSDKDir% Not usually modified. Set in vsvarsall.bat
FrameworkVersion %FrameworkVersion% Not usually modified. Set in vsvarsall.bat
MSC_OPTIMIZATION /O1 Microsoft® Visual C++ 2005 compiler optimization switches.
MSVCDir %VCINSTALLDIR%\VC Not usually modified.  Path to Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 root directory.
NTDEBUG ntsd Not usually modified.
NTDEBUGTYPE vc6 Not usually modified.
NTMAKEENV %ROTOR_DIR%\env\bin Not usually modified.  Path to SSCLI build tools and scripts.
Path %PATH% After running env.bat, the path will include directories in SSCLI, Visual Studio .NET, and the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK.
ROTOR_DIR %ROTOR_DIR% Path to root of SSCLI source directory. Set by env.bat to the location where it is executed.
SDK_INC_PATH %ROTOR_DIR%\pal\inc; Not usually modified. Path to required SSCLI platform include data in rotor_pal.h.
SDK_LIB_PATH %VCINSTALLDIR%\VC\PlatformSDK\lib Not usually modified. Path to Visual Studio 2005 .lib files.
USE_PDB Depends on build type:
  • 1 in checked and fastchecked.
  • not set in free.
Not usually modified.
VCINSTALLDIR Depends on install location of Visual Studio Root of Visual Studio installation.  Set by vsvarsall.bat.
VSINSTALLDIR Depends on install location of Visual Studio Root of IDE location in Visual Studio installation.  Set by vsvarsall.bat.
_NTDRIVE Depends on root installation of SSCLI. Not usually modified.

Drive letter of path in %ROTOR_DIR%

_NTROOT %ROTOR_DIR%\clr Not usually modified.

Root of clr directory.

_NTTREE %ROTOR_DIR%\binaries.x86*.rotor\ Not usually modified

Location where build output goes.
_NT_DEBUGGER_EXTENSION_PATH %ROTOR_DIR%\binaries.x86*.rotor\int_tools Not usually modified.

Location where debugger extension file SOS is copied.

_NT_SYMBOL_PATH %ROTOR_DIR%\binaries.x86*.rotor\ Not usually modified.

Location of debug symbolic information (.ildb files)

_TGTCPU i386 Not usually modified.
_TGTCPUTYPE x86 Not usually modified.
_TGTOS NT32 Not usually modified.

Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.