Logging in the Shared Source CLI 2.0


There are several ways to turn on logging in the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure (SSCLI) implementation.  The two main categories of logging are:

PAL Logging

Note: It is safe to copy and use a checked or fastchecked build of the rotor_pal dynamic library in a retail build, so you can utilize API logging while running optimized binaries.

PAL Logging on Windows

Environment variable Value Description
PAL_API_TRACING debugger Sends log output to the debugger through OutputDebugString API.

Note that from inside a debugger, if you modify the global variable rotor_pal!LogFileHandle from the default value of 0 to 0xffffffff, then logging will immediately begin to be output to the debugger. Setting the variable back to 0 will disable it again.

filename Sends log output to the specified filename.
stderr Sends log output to the standard error handler.
stdout Sends log output to the console.


Unified CLI Logging

The following environment variables can be set to enable detailed execution logging. 

A unified logging system is used for garbage collection, JIT compilation, and other execution logging; the logging system is controlled by a set of variables. The implementation of the logging system is in %ROTOR_DIR%/clr/src/utilcode/log.cpp and %ROTOR_DIR%/clr/src/inc/log.h.  Logging is enabled only in checked and fastchecked builds. If you want to change, this see the comment in log.cpp.

Environment variables have the same name as code variables but must be prefaced with "COMPlus_".

Every variable is read first from the environment, then from the per-user rotor.ini configuration file, and finally from the per-installation rotor.ini configuration file.

Some additional environment variables are used by the specific subsystem as described in the following table.

Environment variable Value Description
COMPlus_LogEnable 1 Enables logging. This value can be toggled on and off without changing the other options.
COMPlus_LogToConsole 1

One of these options must be set to 1 to enable logging output

Enables logging output to the console
COMPlus_LogToDebugger Enables logging to the debugger (cordbg.exe)
COMPlus_LogToFile Enables logging to a file
COMPlus_LogFile Name of log file Requires COMPlus_LogToFile=1
COMPlus_LogFlushFile   Flushes file buffers every time anything is logged. Applies to both LogToConsole and LogToFile. Slow but very reliable logging.
COMPlus_LogFileAppend 1 Appends to log file instead of replacing it.
COMPlus_LogLevel n Specifies the detail level of log output. n ranges from 1 to 9, where 1 is the least detailed log output and 9 is the most detailed log output.
COMPlus_LogFacility bitmask_value Hexadecimal bitmask of facilities log. Each bit represents one facility to log.

The list of facilities is in sscli20/clr/src/inc/loglf.h

Some useful settings for bitmask_value:

  • 0x00000001   Log garbage collector activity.
  • 0x00000008   Log JIT compilation activity.
  • 0x12000003   Log garbage collector, live pointers, app domains, and security activity.

For more details on this option, see the examples below.

JIT Compilation-Specific Logging Environment Variables

By default, these environment variables are operational only on checked or fastchecked builds.

Note: The COMPlus_JitDisasm variable that emits native code is not supported in the SSCLI. To obtain similar functionality, set COMPlus_JitBreak to the function you are interested in disassembling and then view the disassembled code in the debugger after the debugger breaks in that function.

Environment variable Value Description
COMPlus_JitName LibraryName Indicates the name of the JIT DLL library.  If not defined, defaults to the hard-coded names mscorejt.dll on Microsoft® Windows® or libmscorejt.so on UNIX system-based platforms.
COMPlus_JitBreak FunctionName Breaks into the debugger before JIT-compiling FunctionName.

Use the wildcard character * to JIT-compile all functions.

COMPlus_JitHalt FunctionName Emits a debugger break before the prolog of FunctionName. The inserted break occurs just before execution of the function.

Use the wildcard character * to JIT-compile all functions.

COMPlus_JitTrace 0


If 1, prints out the trace of functions that were JIT-compiled.

This trace output can also be obtained through the central logging system but this is a more lightweight mechanism that generates only JIT information.

Garbage Collection-Specific Logging Environment Variables

By default these are operational only on checked or fastchecked builds.

Environment Variable Value Description
COMPlus_GCprnLvl detailnumber Sets the level of detail of the logging output to detailnumber. The higher the number, the more data output.
COMPlus_GCtraceStart startnumber The garbage collection generation at which to start logging output.
COMPlus_GCtraceEnd endnumber The garbage collection generation at which to stop logging output.

Additional Logging Options

By default these are operational only on checked or fastchecked builds.

These options require that Unified CLI Logging be enabled but do not affect the other options set for Unified logging.

Environment variable Value Description
COMPlus_DumpOnClassLoad classname Dumps information about the classname class when it is loaded.  The information that is dumped contains:
  • Method table summary.
  • Number of class static fields.
  • Number of class instance fields.
  • Number of class static object reference fields.
  • Number of declared fields.
  • Number of declared methods.
  • A vtable dump.
  • A field layout dump.
  • A garbage collection descriptor dump.
COMPlus_JitCodeLog FunctionName Used only for JIT-compilation logging.

Log JIT-compilation information for FunctionName.

You can use FunctionName=* to log all functions

Managed Code Logging Options

By default, these are operational only on checked or fastchecked builds.

These options require that Unified CLI Logging be enabled. 

This functionality is defined in sscli20\clr\src\bcl\system\bcldebug.cs.  To find locations where this logging facility is used, search for BCLDebug.Log in the sscli20\clr\src\bcl base class library source code files.

When using these logging functions it is recommended that you turn off logging for most unmanaged code facilities. For example, set COMPlus_LogFacility=1.

The COMPlus_LogLevel values are mapped for managed code logging to the following:

Loglevel Mapping Description
0 LogLevel.Panic Logs panic asserts.
1 LogLevel.Error Logs error asserts.
2 LogLevel.Error Logs error asserts.
3 LogLevel.Warning Logs warning asserts.
4 LogLevel.Warning Logs warning asserts.
5 LogLevel.Status Logs status-level output.
6 LogLevel.Status Logs status-level output.
7 LogLevel.Trace Logs all trace output.  This is the highest degree of detail.
8 LogLevel.Trace Logs all trace output. Same as 7.
9 LogLevel.Trace Logs all trace output. Same as 7.

To see detailed output from the COMPlus_ManagedLogFacility setting requires having COMPlus_LogLevel set to 7, 8, or 9.

The following table contains additional environment variables used by the managed code logging implementation.

Environment variable Value Description
COMPlus_ManagedLogFacility bitmask_value Hexadecimal bitmask of facilities log.  Each bit represents one facility to log.

The settings for bitmask_value are:

Mask Value Switch Name Description
0x00000001  NLS Traces globalization usage.
0x00000002 SER Traces serialization usage.
0x00000004    DYNIL Traces some Reflection.Emit usage.
0x00000008    REMOTE Traces remoting usage.
0x00000010 BINARY Traces binary formatter usage.
0x00000020 SOAP Traces soap formatter usage.
0x00000040 REMOTINGCHANNELS Traces remoting channels usage.
0x00000080 CACHE Traces reflection cache usage.
0x00000100  RESMGRFILEFORMAT Traces .resources file usage.
0x00000200 PERF Traces perf.  Not used in SSCLI.
0x00000400  CORRECTNESS Traces correctness.  Not used in SSCLI.


Example Logging Sessions

Garbage Collection Example


Application execution command.

This runs remoting tests.

clix tests\dev\remotingmarshal.exe

Log output that is sent to the console.

Security Example


Application execution command.

This runs StringBuilder and threadsafety tests.

clix tests\dev\remotingmarshal.exe

Log output that is sent to the console.

JitCodeLog=Main Example: LogLevel=4


Entry and exit logging for JIT-compiling in the prolog and epilog sections, and in exception handlers

Application execution command.

This runs the try and finally tests.

clix tests\bvt\short\CS_TryFinally.exe

Log output that is sent to the console.


Garbage collection map information is printed describing the locals and the arguments. 

Logging code fragments describing the state of the processor are inserted after code for each intermediate language (IL) instruction.

Application execution command.

This runs the try and finally tests.

clix tests\bvt\short\CS_TryFinally.exe

Log output that is sent to the console.


Application execution command.

This runs the try and finally tests.

clix tests\bvt\short\CS_TryFinally.exe

Log output that is sent to the console.

Too much output to list.  With this log level setting the stack states encoded for garbage collection are output.


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