Buildall Build Script (buildall.cmd and buildall script)

The buildall.cmd batch file and buildall script will build the entire Shared Source CLI 2.0 (SSCLI) tree in one large build sequence. On the Microsoft® Windows® operating system use buildall.bat.

It is important to build the entire tree once before making modifications and then rebuilding subunits because building the entire source tree generates all the necessary build tools as well as the Platform Adaptation Layer (PAL), which supports the build tools on all platforms.

Both the batch file and the script require that your environment variables be set correctly using the env script before execution. For more information about correctly configuring your environment prior to building, see env.html.

The buildall batch and script files are a fairly simple wrapper of various elements of the SSCLI build process. For more details see building_sscli.html.


 buildall [-c | other_options]


Option Description
-c Clean build.  This will delete .obj files before building.

Other options are passed through to lower-level build scripts, makefiles, or the build application.

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