Shared Source CLI 2.0 Build Tools

The tools below are used by the Shared Source CLI 2.0 (SSCLI) build process.  These tools are intended for use with the SSCLI build process and are only documented sufficiently for that purpose although they include more advanced functionality.

An overview of the SSCLI build process can be found in building_sscli.html.

The path to the root directory of the SSCLI source tree is designated below as sscli20, which is the default root directory created when the archive is expanded.  If the SSCLI source were unpacked on Microsoft® Windows®, this would represent a path such as C:\sscli20.

Tool Description Source location
Build Output Manager (binplace.exe) Manages the temporary locations of built files within the source tree and a final build output location. sscli20\tools\binplace

Search for file: binplace.c.

Build Driver Utility (build.exe) Drives the SSCLI build process by consuming dirs and sources files and driving a general make program.  sscli20\tools\build

Search for file:  build.c.

Buildall Build Script Builds the entire SSCLI tree including build tools. sscli20\
Internal Resource Compiler (internalresgen.exe) A special bootstrapping resource compiler that generates managed resources before the entire tree is built. sscli20\clr\src\tools\internalresgen

Search for file:  internalresgen.cpp.

Make Utility (nmake.exe) Builds projects based on commands contained in a makefile.

Search for file:  nmake.cpp.

Resource Compiler (resourcecompiler.exe) Creates platform-independent .satellite text resource files to support unmanaged Rotor support applications. sscli20\tools\resourcecompiler

Search for file:  rc.c.

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