Symbolic Debug File Conversion Tool (ildbconv.exe)

The Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) 2.0 supports source-level debugging with the cordbg managed code debugger (see cordbg.html).  Symbolic information is stored by the SSCLI  implementation of the compilers in .ildb database files.  This file format is different then the .pdb file format supported by the compilers (Visual C#, JScript, Visual C++ .NET, Visual Basic .NET, and so on) in the .Microsoft NET Framework SDK and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. 

The .ildb format was created for the SSCLI in order to have a small, platform-independent symbolic format for debugging managed code.

The application file for the symbolic debug file conversion tool is named ildbconv.exe in the Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) on Microsoft Windows®.

The .ildb conversion tool (ildbconv) allows conversion of SSCLI .ildb to .pdb format and .pdb to .ildb format.  The source for this tool can be found at sscli20\tools\ildbconv\ildbconv.cpp.  Use this tool to convert between these debug information formats if you want to debug into the same assembly on both the SSCLI and the .NET Framework.


ildbconv [options] filename

Options can be specified using either a dash (-) or a slash (/).

Option Description
/toildb Convert filename from .pdb to .ildb
/topdb Convert filename from .ildb to .pdb
/? Displays the command syntax and options for the tool.
See Also

Tools Index

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