Default Resource File Format

There are four sections to the default file format:

Field Type of data
Section 1: Resource Manager header
Magic Number (0xBEEFCACE) Int32
Resource Manager header version Int32
Number of bytes to skip from here to get past this header Int32
Class name of IResourceReader to parse this file String
Class name of ResourceSet to parse this file String
Section 2: RuntimeResourceReader header
RuntimeResourceReader version number Int32
Number of resources in the file Int32
Number of types in the type table Int32
Padding bytes for 8-byte alignment (use PAD) Bytes (0-7)
Name of each type Set of Strings
Hash values for each resource name Int32 array, sorted
Virtual offset of each resource name Int32 array, coupled with hash values
Section 3: RuntimeResourceReader Name Section
Name and virtual offset of each resource Set of [UTF-16 String, Int32] pairs
Section 4: RuntimeResourceReader Data Section
Type and Value of each resource Set of [Int32, BLOB of bytes] pairs

The first section is the Resource Manager header, which consists of a magic number that identifies this as a Resource file, and a ResourceSet class name.

The second section in the system default file format is the RuntimeResourceSet specific header. This contains a version number for the .resources file, the number of resources in this file, and the number of different types contained in the file, followed by a list of fully qualified type names. This is followed by an array of hash values for each resource name, then an array of virtual offsets into the name section of the file. The hashes allow you to do a binary search on an array of integers to find a resource name very quickly without doing many string compares (until you have found the target type). If a hash matches, the index into the array of hash values is used as the index into the name position array to find the name of the resource. The hash function used to compute these values is as follows:

    uint hash = 5381;
    for(int i=0; i < key.Length; i++)
        hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ key[i];
    return (int) hash;
You must use exactly this hash function for reading and writing .resources files, because the values are saved to files on the disk. Do not use the String.GetHashCode method because its implementation might change in the future as developers find better and faster hash functions. The type table allows you to read multiple different classes from the same file, including user-defined types, in a more efficient way than using serialization, at least when your .resources file contains a reasonable proportion of base data types such as strings or integers. All non-intrinsic types are saved using serialization.

The third section of the file is the name section. It contains a series of resource names, written out as byte-length prefixed little-endian Unicode strings (UTF-16). After each name is a four-byte virtual offset into the data section of the file, pointing to the relevant string or serialized BLOB for this resource name.

The fourth section in the file is the data section, which consists of a type and a BLOB of bytes for each item in the file. The type is an integer index into the type table. The data is specific to that type, but can be a number written in binary format, a String, or a serialized Object.

This implementation, when used with the default ResourceReader class, loads only the strings that you look up. The implementation can do string comparisons without having to create a new String instance due to some memory-mapped file optimizations in the ResourceReader and FastResourceComparer classes. Therefore the memory that is touched when loading resources is kept to a minimum.

In addition, the resource implementation supports object serialization in a similar fashion. The ResourceManager builds an array of class types contained in this file and writes it to the RuntimeResourceReader header section of the file. Every resource will contain its type (as an index into the array of classes) with the data for that resource. The Resource Manager will use the CLI serialization support.

All strings in the file format are written with BinaryReader and BinaryWriter, which write out the length of the string as a 7-bit-encoded integer, and then the contents as Unicode characters encoded in UTF-8.  The 7-bit encoding works as follows: If the value will fit completely in seven bits, then a single byte is written; otherwise the high bit on the first byte is set and a second byte is created by shifting the value by 7 bits. This is repeated until there are enough bytes to hold the value.  In the name table, each resource name is written in UTF-16 so it is possible to do a byte-by-byte comparison against the contents of the file without allocating objects.

Support for serialization is required for objects that will be embedded in resource files. CLI implementers should ensure that their BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, and BinaryFormatter classes are working correctly.

The offsets of each resource string are relative to the beginning of the Data section of the file. This way, if a tool decides to add one resource to a file, it needs to increment only the number of resources, add the hash and location of the last byte in the name section to the array of resource hashes and resource name positions (carefully keeping these arrays sorted), add the name to the end of the name and offset list, possibly add the list of types (and increase the number of items in the type table), and add the resource value at the end of the file. The other offsets would not need to be updated to reflect the longer header section.

Resource files are currently limited to 2 gigabytes because of these design parameters.

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