
To improve visual interest and hierarchy, Windows XP uses some new typefaces and a variety of type sizes. To better support our Microsoft brand, we've introduced Franklin Gothic into the Windows XP user interface.

Franklin Gothic is used only for text over 14 point. Franklin Gothic is often used for headers, and should never be used for body text.
Tahoma is used as the system's default font. Tahoma should be used at 8, 9 or 11 point sizes.
Verdana is used only for title bars of tear-off/floating palettes- Verdana Bold, 8 point.
Trebuchet MS is used only for the title bars of windows- Trebuchet MS Bold, 10 point.

Franklin Gothic

Example of Franklin Gothic Medium 21 point used as a title in the Control Panel.
Example of Franklin Gothic Medium 21 point
used as a title in the Control Panel.


Example of Tahoma 9 point used as body copy in a Learn About help topic.
Example of Tahoma 9 point used as body copy in a Learn About help topic.


Example of Verdana Bold 8 point as the title in a task box in the My Pictures folder.
Example of Verdana Bold 8 point
as the title in a task box in the
My Pictures folder.

Trebuchet MS

Example of Trebuchet MS Bold 10 point in the My Pictures title bar.
Example of Trebuchet MS Bold 10
point in the My Pictures title bar.

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