Azure Pack For Windows 10

TechEd 2013: Windows Azure Internals - Mark Russinovich

Deployment Guides Module 1-Architecture

Deployment Guides Module 2-Deployment

Deployment Guides Module 3-Operations

choco install webpicmd
WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP56 /Path:C:\webpioff

The “Web Platform Installer 5.0 Feed


# Open Web Platform Installer Feed

$xml = [XML](Get-Content "C:\temp\Web Platform Installer\1343597488.xml")

# Attach a namespace definition

$ns = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $xml.NameTable

$ns.AddNamespace("wpi", "")

#Select each of the installer nodes

$tmp = $xml.SelectNodes("//wpi:installer", $ns)

# For each 'installer'

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $tmp.Count; $i++) {

       $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject –Prop `

               (@{'Product'      =$tmp.Item($i).ParentNode.ParentNode.productID;

                  'Title'        =$tmp.Item($i).ParentNode.ParentNode.metadata.title.innertext;

                  'Folder'       ="installers\$($tmp.Item($i).ParentNode.ParentNode.productID)\$($tmp.Item($i).installerFile.sha1)";

                  'Id'           = $tmp.Item($i).Id;

                  'Language'     = $tmp.Item($i).languageId;


                  'Source'       =$tmp.Item($i).installerFile.installerURL})

     #Only show downloadable modules

     if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tmp.Item($i).installerFile.sha1))){



